Journal Entry # 5

Sessions 10 & 11 - June 23 & 25, 2014

I am already on my fifth year in college. And looking back, I am sure I have lots to miss about being a student when the times comes I march on April next year and receive my diploma.  While it is a challenge for me to drag myself to school, I’d also miss having that motivation to wake up extra early. While I’m pretty sure I am already too tired of countless reflection papers and research, I also think I’d miss forcing creative juice out of my system just to write something on paper.  Sure, finally leaving college means freedom for me but then again, leaving college also means I have to constantly reminisce the life of a student. But if there is one thing that I definitely would not miss about college, it’s the role-plays that we have to do in class. Because for starters, I am not a natural in acting—I always find it awkward to stand in front of the class and act. So when we had to do yet another role playing session in class for CSRGOVE, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes to the back of my head because after all these years, I still have to participate in a role play and I am already on my fifth year.

On the brighter side, though, it was always entertaining to watch people act in front of the class. It’s always surprising to see your classmates do stuff you never imagined them to do. So our role-playing session in CSRGOVE was rather funny. However, not only was that session humorous, it was also informative. Then I finally realized why professors usually give their students role-playing tasks. Human beings are naturally visual creatures and because of that, it is easier to learn something when it can be seen rather than just being listened to.  I was able to compare that because we were tasked to read the lesson beforehand and found the concepts much easier to understand when I was watching my classmates act than only reading the book.

While it was such rather a late realization…I mean 4 years late, that is…I guess, it really is better late than never. Because such revelation, I guess I’m also going to miss role-playings in college after all.

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